Dalton Combatives

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Kevin Jones

Kevin Jones photo Kevin Jones
  • Blue Belt - 2 Stripes
  • Black Belt

My name is Kevin Jones and I am the head judo instructor.  Although I took an interest in BJJ when I saw the early UFCs (like everyone else), I initially got into judo because it was close to me.  I joined the judo club through the University of West Georgia and still train with the West Georgia judo crew to this day.  

I moved to Japan for eight years and trained wherever and whenever I could. When I moved closer to Tokyo I was able to train at the Kodokan, which is where I achieved my 2nd dan.  I also cross-trained in BJJ in the Kanto area.  When I came back, I learned and taught under Bob Byrd.

I love martial arts in general, but I especially enjoy the grappling arts.  I like the traditional side of it that focuses on self improvement, and I also just like to fight.  I love to teach, learn, and train with anyone.  I look forward to seeing you on the mat!